Stories and verse from Novel Magazine (UK)
Items flagged with the symbol ✎ are annotated.
Between the Innings — July 1905
The Rivals (verse) — August 1905
The Sailor (verse) — April 1906
A newly discovered (January 2015) reprint (with minor changes) of a story originally appearing in Pearson’s Magazine (UK) in August 1906. Under the heading “My Best Story” the magazine asked writers to select a favorite item. (No doubt the fact that the two magazines had the same publisher was a hidden factor in the choice.) The story is introduced with an editorial paragraph giving a good sense of how Wodehouse was known to the public at the time.
✎ Rule Sixty-Three — March 1915
“Rule Sixty-Three” is a previously unknown short story, reprinted here in 2014 for the first time since 1915, as far as we know, with the kind permission of the Trustees of the Wodehouse Literary Estate.
✎ Looking After Thomas — September 1920
A retitled and slightly revised reprint of “The Guardian”—newly discovered and added March 2018.