Punch, October 8, 1902
[In the opinion of the German Emperor large Army corps are not suited to the requirements of the British Empire.]
“Claws seem a trifle long,” remarked the Eagle casually to the Lion.
“Think so?” replied the Lion, inspecting his pedal extremities with indifference. “I like ’em long myself. Matter of taste, of course.”
“Oh, certainly, certainly. Purely a matter of taste, as you say. They do say, though, that claws are not being worn long this year.”
“Yet yours appear to be moderately substantial.”
“Mine? Oh, ah. Yes. Mine. Yes. But of course what may be excellent taste in an Eagle, in a Lion on the other hand——”
“The question,” observed the Lion with some hauteur, “of what is and is not suitable for Lions is one to which I have devoted a long, and, I trust, not unprofitable lifetime.”
And with a thoughtful look upon his mobile countenance he resumed the congenial task of sharpening the criticised members on the trunk of a local tree.
Unsigned story as printed; not credited to P. G. Wodehouse or to anyone else in the Index to Vol. 123 of Punch. Entered by PGW in “Money Received for Literary Work.”