
Shown here is a list of magazines and newspapers from which we have stories, articles, and verses by Wodehouse, along with a few interviews with and articles about him. The list is alphabetical, with the country of publication given in parentheses. This site only offers material published through the end of 1928, which is in the public domain in the United States. Most of these links take you to a chronological listing of items from that periodical. If we have only one item from a publication, the link will take you to that item in a chronological list of sole appearances. If, to the best of our knowledge, we have all of Wodehouse’s pre-1929 contributions to a periodical, the symbol ♦ follows the name in the list below.


 The Age (Melbourne, Australia) ♦

 Ainslee’s (US) ♦

 All-Story Cavalier Weekly (US) ♦

 The Alleynian (UK)

 American Boy (US) ♦

 Answers (UK) ♦

 The Argosy (US) ♦

 The Bookman (US) ♦

 The Books of To-day and the Books of To-morrow (UK) ♦

 Boys’ Friend (UK)

 Boys’ Life (US) ♦

 Burr McIntosh Monthly (US) ♦

 The Captain (UK) ♦

 Cassell’s Magazine (UK) ♦

 The Century (US) ♦

 The Chicago Daily Tribune (US) ♦

 Chums Magazine (UK) ♦

 The Circle (US) ♦

 Collier’s Weekly (US) ♦

 Cosmopolitan (US) ♦

 The Daily Chronicle (UK) ♦

 The Daily Express (UK) ♦

 The Daily Mail (UK) ♦

 The Elks Magazine (US) ♦

 The Evening Mail (New York) (US) ♦

 The Evening World (New York) (US) ♦

 The Evening News (UK) ♦

 The Evening Standard (Ogden, Utah) (US) ♦

 The Evening Standard and St. James’s Gazette (UK) ♦

 The Free Lance (UK) ♦

 Fun Magazine (UK) ♦

 The Globe (UK)

 The Grand Magazine (UK)

 Greyfriars Holiday Annual (UK) ♦

 Hampton’s (US) ♦

 The Humorist (UK) ♦

 Ideas (UK) ♦

 The Illustrated Sunday Magazine (US) ♦

 John o’ London’s Weekly (UK) ♦

 Kangaroo Island Courier (AU) ♦

 Ladies’ Home Journal (US) ♦

 Land and Water Illustrated (UK) ♦

 Liberty (US) ♦

 London Calling (UK)

 The London Echo (UK) ♦

 The London Magazine (UK)

 London Opinion (UK)

 The Lotus Magazine (US) ♦

 Maclean’s Magazine (CA)

 McClure’s Magazine (US) ♦

 Metropolitan Magazine (US) ♦

 Munsey’s Magazine (US) ♦

 Nash’s Magazine (UK) ♦

 The New Magazine (UK) ♦

 New York Tribune (US) ♦

 The Novel Magazine (UK) ♦

 The Onlooker (UK)

 Pall Mall Magazine (UK)

 Pan Magazine (UK) ♦

 The Passing Show (UK) ♦

 Pearson’s Magazine (UK) ♦

 Pearson’s Magazine (US) ♦

 Pearson’s Weekly (UK) ♦

 People’s Magazine (US) ♦

 Pictorial Review (US) ♦

 Public School Magazine (UK) ♦

 Punch (UK) ♦

 Red Book Magazine (US) ♦

 Royal Magazine (UK) ♦

 St. James’s Gazette (UK) ♦

 Sandow’s Magazine (UK)

 Sandow’s Magazine (US) ♦

  Saturday Evening Mail: see Evening Mail (New York)

 The Saturday Evening Post (US) ♦

 Scraps: Literary and Pictorial—Curious and Amusing (UK)

 Stage and Sport (UK) ♦

 The Strand Magazine (UK) ♦

 Success Magazine (US) ♦

 Sunday Chronicle (UK) ♦

 Sunday Magazine (UK) ♦

 The Throne and Country (UK) ♦

 Tit-Bits (UK) ♦

 To-day (UK) ♦

 V. C. Magazine (UK) ♦

 Van Norden (US) ♦

 Vanity Fair (UK) ♦

 Vanity Fair (US) ♦

 Variety (US) ♦

 The Washington Herald Literary Magazine (US) ♦

 The Weekly Telegraph (UK) ♦

 The West Australian (Perth, AU) ♦

 Windsor Magazine (UK) ♦

 Woman’s Home Companion (US) ♦

 The World (UK) ♦


  Publications with one Wodehouse item (listed chronologically by item)